3.2.4 Tuple Addressing By Type

What was the problem

C++11 introduced tuples [2.5.8] which are quite handy if you are too lazy to write a struct, or if you come from toy languages like Python or JavaScript.

In order to access an element in a tuple, one must know the index of the element to pass to std::get. This is a bit problematic if we add an entry in the tuple; then we have to update all accesses to match the new indices5.

In a metaprogramming context this can also be very limiting. Check for example this map allowing to store values of different types with a key (this is just an aggregate of maps whose key and value types are passed as template arguments):

#include <unordered_map> 
template<typename K, typename... V> 
class heterogeneous_map 
  template<typename T> 
  void set(const K& k, const T& v) 
    // What should I use for the index? 
    std::get</* index of T in V... */>(m_maps)[k] = v; 
  std::tuple<std::unordered_map<K, V>...> m_maps; 

In C++11 one would have to write a helper to find the index of a type in a parameter pack, which is not very difficult but still a lot of work compared with doing nothing.

How the Problem is Solved

In C++14, The std::get function has been extended and now accepts a type as its template arguments, allowing to address a tuple element by its type. This only works if the tuple declaration has a single entry of the given type, which is good enough:

#include <unordered_map> 
#include <tuple> 
template<typename K, typename... V> 
class heterogeneous_map 
  template<typename T> 
  void set(const K& k, const T& v) 
    // No index needed! 
T>>(m_maps)[k] = v; 
  std::tuple<std::unordered_map<K, V>...> m_maps; 

5Something that would have not happen if only we used a struct. Let that sink in!